Hi all
So I'm completely new in PI, and on the Trial so far.
A couple of weeks ago, I imaged the M45 from my Bortle 4 backyard (20.90 SQM)
I did 24x360s subs (2.4 hours) total integration, 30x360s Darks, 60x Bias, and 35x Flats.
Gear used:
SW Evostar 80ED
SW HEQ5 Pro - Rowan Belt Mod mount
SW 9x50 Finderscope
Zwo Asi 120mm mini Guide cam
Stock Nikon D5300 as imaging cam.
I stacked and calibrated the image in APP using the smallest available DPP stretch, and then done the rest of the processing in PI, following David Aldrich DSLR PI Processing Workflow, I ended up with a decent result, but I tried to push it a bit further using Deepskycolors.com's workflow for bringing out the IFN even more. As much as I succeeded in bringing it out more, there are still 3 things that concerns me. 1. Background color/noise, Star size of the main stars in the M45, or which image is the best of the following.
So I'm looking for some help from you experienced users, in how I can improve upon my images, but keep in mind I'm a complete newbie in PI, so don't get too technical, or feel free to play with my stacked version and get back to me if you can get a better image, and tell me how.