Hi Juan,
Thanks for the correction.

Apologies for not replying sooner, but I have been thinking about your question and how to reply.
In short... the idea came from my lack of knowledge, skill and understanding of how best to use PixInsight. I have been trying to create the basis of an end to end process. Whilst doing so I come across snippets of ideas which I try and if they seem to improve the end result I keep in the process. This was one of the snippets.
In long... because of my Bortle 6 location I have started using a Tri_band filter, which works really well. However, with my current process, I end up with with heavily red biased images (at least I think they are). Others I know, who have similar if not the same equipment configuration, seem to be able to produce images with a better colour balance.
At this point there are two threads.
Firstly; I was researching whether I am better using a linked or unlinked RGB channel Histogram Stretch after running PCC. It did seem that I got a better end result using a linked stretch. During the research I came across some posts that suggested the best way to balance the channels was to extract the RGB channels, use LinerarFit and then recombine them. The best time to do so was whilst the data was still linear and I assumed it would be better before running PCC.
Secondly; at least part of the reason that others appear to get a better colour balance seems to be that they use Astro Pixel Processor. APP has support for the tri-band filters built in to it's processing capability. As I understand it, it extracts the RGB channels (another link into the research above) and then recombines them using the tri-band filter attributes I noted in my previous post (I can provide a link to a video where this approach is demonstrated, if required). Again I was researching how to do something similar using PixInsight. Somewhere during that investigation I became aware of the Narrowband PCC option and thought that might provide a way forward for me.
Does that help provide an answer. Or (more likely) does it just show up my lack of understanding and raise even more questions?

I have a question of my own, if I may... I have a series of Icons in my workspace that help provide me with a process flow. The cover a basic full end to end process. I would love it if someone would look at my process flow and provide some honest feedback on where it's OK and where it doesn't make sense. What's the best way for me to get that sort of help? Should I open a specific post?
Anyway, again thanks for you help.
Cheers, Jim