Hi Dale,
the MasterDark has mean = 842.3, median = 842.8. The uncalibrated light subframe has mean = 345.1, median = 336. This cannot not work at all. The darks don't match the lights. Did you use the same acquisition software for capturing light and dark frames?
According to the FITS headers, both the dark frames and the light subframe were exposed for 5 s, and EGAIN was 1.00111 (which corresponds to gain setting of 139 for the ASI1600). I also can imagine that different offset settings were used for the acquisition of light and dark frames. You'll need to repeat the dark frames with the same acquisition software and the same offset setting as used for the light frames.
However, there are further issues. The manually (with ImageCalibration) calibrated subframes may look wonderful to you, but they are not. In this calibration, the (faulty) MasterDark and MasterFlat were used, in the 'Master Dark' section the option 'Calibrate' was disabled and the option 'Optimize' was enabled. Thus dark frame optimization was applied, the Dark scaling factor was 0.063. These settings are wrong and yield an incorrect calibration result.
When you got matching dark frames, please stick to manual calibration with the ImageCalibration process for now and take a look at
https://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=14663 , reply #9 for the recommended approach and settings for pre-processing.