Author Topic: Column dividers in explorer views not movable?  (Read 2183 times)

Offline DCS

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Column dividers in explorer views not movable?
« on: 2020 February 04 20:53:22 »
if I open the view explorer, for instance, and I want to slide the divider over so I can see the full view names, I can move the mouse over the divider, and the cursor changes to the "move divider" icon (double line with arrows on either side), but clicking and moving does nothing, the position is fixed. Is this by design, broken, or am I just missing something?



Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Column dividers in explorer views not movable?
« Reply #1 on: 2020 February 05 01:10:18 »
Hi David,

That happens because both sections of the explorer window are set to their preferred minimum widths (compacted), hence they cannot be resized horizontally. Click on the right border of the explorer window (or left border, if you have it docked at the right edge) and drag to the right (left) to make the window wider. Then you can resize sections horizontally. The cursor changes when you hover the vertical splitter, even if the sections cannot be resized, to provide visual feedback about the fact that the sections can be resized when the window is wide enough.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline DCS

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Re: Column dividers in explorer views not movable?
« Reply #2 on: 2020 February 05 22:23:49 »
Perfect, thanks
