Author Topic: Another WBPP issue  (Read 991 times)

Offline thekubiaks

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Another WBPP issue
« on: 2020 February 03 08:47:26 »
I'm bringing this over from the Cloudy Nights forum. 

There is something different about the WBPP that is causing my stacking to fail.   I am stacking OSC images from an ASI294 with a master flat, master dark, and a master bias.   When I process in BPP, no issues, works great.  I am the one having the issue.

When I process in WBPP, there is something automated in WBPP that must be picking something wrong in regards to the Master Dark.  In WBPP, if I attempt to debayer after calibration, my debayered images turn pink.  That is of course in RGGB or Auto, VNG.  CFA selected.

Once again, this exact same process in BPP works fine, no pink.   I did notice in BPP that there is a selection for CFA pattern detection but not in WBPP, perhaps WBPP is getting the CFA incorrect??

I did try checking the "calibrate with flat darks only" on the flats page but no difference.

I've read all of the WBPP posts on this forum and the guide but no solution yet, any ideas?   thanks