Author Topic: CCD Parameters Error Message - DoImageStatistics: image rectangle out of bounds  (Read 705 times)

Offline McComiskey

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I am a newbie to Pixinsight, and trying to use the CCD Parameters script to characterize my camera (an SBIG STX-16803).  I have taken the flats, bias frames and darks, and selected them inside the script interface.  When I click report, I get the following error message:

 "DoImageStatistics: image rectangle out of bounds"

I can't find any reference to this on the forums.  I am sure I am making an obvious mistake, but would appreciate any guidance on what I might be doing incorrectly?

Link to the actual images files:

Screenshot of the CCD Parameters tool and the error message is attached.

Offline ngc1535

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It appears you accidentally took the Flats as a subframe of the main/entire chip. Your flats are a different size than the biases and darks... hence the error.
Does this make sense?

Offline McComiskey

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Head slap.  Perfect sense.  Thanks.