Author Topic: BPP SCRIPT DEFECT? "no flats have been selected to calibrate lights " Error  (Read 770 times)

Offline ballyhoo

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This is unfortunate.  Flats were created using SGP flat wizard. All files were created in SGP.  Is there any fix for this, or is it a defect in the BPP script?

Thank you!

Offline ngc1535

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The first thing to do is go under FILE->FITs Header and check to see what it says in IMGTYP. If it says "Light Frame"- that is your problem. It should say "Flat Field."
If it doesn't, then it is a setting in SGP- the way you acquired the flats. I don't think this is your issue though- since I do see flats loaded- but you could have forced them there and I do not want to assume.

The next thing to check is whether your flats are the same size as your data. I note your flats are binned 1x1. Is your color data also binned 1x1? If it isn't you can resample the flats (or combine them and then resample the integrated result). Check the dimensions of your images.

There are a few other things that can happen as well. However, there isn't enough information in the screen capture.

Offline ballyhoo

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Thank you,

SGP should have identified the flats as such, as they were in the sequence.  But here are the fits headers. I do not know enough to understand the nuances but, I am not sure why the FIts header for the flat is not specified as flat. -- Actually I see that it is. I am not sure why this is happening then. Rather odd to me. There is supposed to me a way to enter in the flats through custom. I did that, just added flats in custom, defined the exp time, bining, and there was a question mark for name, I left it w question mark, and also tried with a different name. That didn't solve the problem.

Offline ngc1535

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Let me tell you some things I do not understand:

1. I just noticed your FILTER names in your first image are "GRE" "BLU" ...etc. But things that are loaded are named "Green" "Blue"... perhaps this is what the error is trying to tell you.
Where in the world did filter names of "GRE" and "BLU" come from?

2. I also do not understand how your master is not labeled with an IMGTYP of Flat Field. If all of the files were flats that went into ImageIntegration... it should keep that info.

#1 though... that is puzzling.


Offline ballyhoo

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well when I defined my channels in SGP ascom device, there are fields in the equip profile that are blank and I had to label them. I came up w those abbreviations.

regarding #2, I am not sure what you mean. I need to think about this some more.  Thank you again.




Offline ngc1535

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#1 is definitely an issue. The filter names in your raw data (of the sky) need to match exactly the filter names in your flats.
If they do not, you will get exactly the BPP error you are seeing.


EDIT REPLY: Post a screen shot of the FITs header of one of your raw flats and one of the sky frames in the same filter. In the FITs header there is a FILTER word. I have no idea if it is possible to mix profiles or something with your software (I haven't used it before)

PPS... The "Suffix" you mention is controlling what is written for the filename... not what is written in the FITs header (which is the important part).
« Last Edit: 2020 January 16 23:03:34 by ngc1535 »