A couple of comments/ideas
I believe that at first, any wiki starts out as a mess, until the community gels around how it is to work. Even disagreements get resolved over time, use discussions and comments to work things out. So yes -- just start writing, the order and structure will rise up out of the mess as the community starts working on it. Again it's the stone soup model. Don't be afraid of making a change. One of the other things about wikis is one should not feel that there is individual ownership of any one page, however over time, you will find that certain people will have certain expertise and will tend to take care of a certain pages.
What I would like to see (gee it would be great if the soup had some potatoes, carrots, and maybe a little bit of seasoning): a page for each Process Module, a "I have this type of image problem, how do I fix it" section, background information on the settings within the Process Modules (why/when should I change that value and what does it mean).
One type of structure that I have found that works well for me is to break manuals into two main sections. A Guide and a Reference. A guide is used for the big picture (think of something like: "Stephen James O'Meara's Observing the Night Sky with Binoculars: A Simple Guide to the Heavens") while a reference is just the facts, (something like Uranonmetria Vol 3 - which is a catalog of individual objects with a lot of very specific type of information).
On the tutorial vs process steps, maybe they are the same...
Anyway -- just some thoughts..