I am getting an error during Online Coordinate Search. I have tried changing the Database Server. I am using PI 1.8.8-3.
I used WBPP for the initial processing.
BTW - clearing / resetting PMCC does not clear the error on the screen.
http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-tap/sync?request=doQuery&lang=adql&format=TSV&query=SELECT oid, ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, plx_value, rvz_radvel, main_id, otype_txt, sp_type, flux FROM basic JOIN ident ON ident.oidref = oid LEFT OUTER JOIN flux ON flux.oidref = oid AND flux.filter = 'V' WHERE id = 'M31';
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*** Error: Unable to acquire valid coordinate information.