OK, one step back. I wonder why your MasterDark and MasterBias are color images.
When you open a CR2 file, is the displayed image b&w or colored? If colored, you must change your current settings in Format Explorer/RAW (open Format Explorer, double click on "RAW"). In this case, set to "Pure Raw" and confirm with OK.
In the preprocessing workflow, the integration of bias, flat-dark and dark frames, the calibration of the flat frames, the integration of the calibrated flat frames, the calibration of the light frames and (optionally) Cosmetic Correction shall be performed on Color Filter Array (CFA) data. Only after light frame calibration or Cosmetic Correction respectively, the data have to be debayered (= converted to RGB images), then aligned and finally integrated.
If RAW Format Preference was already set to "Pure Raw", your dark frames do not seem to match the light frames. Take a look at the light and dark frames: were they really captured with the same ISO setting, exposure time and temperature? Did you capture light frames and calibration frames in the same file format (here: CR2 files)?