Advice please.
I have been taking Ha images of the Monkey Nebula. ASI1600 mono camera cooled to -25C using ZWO filters, 240s subs at gain 200 ofset 50. With ED120 scope used Darks of same exposure and Flat darks applied to Flats. 44 subs were stacked.
Never seen this before on other subs taken, but when calibrated, registered and integrated I get a downward pattern on the image. I have integrated the subs without using the darks, so it doesn't seem to be the darks that are causing the problem. The pattern can't be seen on individual images
I have attached the image along with the expanded section of the image which shows the lines down the image. I subsequently took another evening of subs and the lines appeared on these as well. Took new darks and flats an applied them but the lines were still there.
Can anyone offer any advice as to what it might be.
Thanks for looking