Author Topic: Cosmetic Correction template for use with BPP/WBPP?  (Read 511 times)

Offline macbates

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Cosmetic Correction template for use with BPP/WBPP?
« on: 2019 December 13 05:52:59 »
When running BPP/WBPP using a Cosmetic Correction template, is it necessary to have the master dark on which the template is based match the ISO and exposure time of the lights? My first thought is that it makes no difference since it should be correcting for hot and cold pixels only.

That is, problems due to ISO and exposure issues are corrected by dark frames (or master dark), while sensor defects are independent of ISO and exposure and are taken care of with Cosmetic Correction. As such only a single CorCorr template is needed per camera.

Is this line of reasoning correct, or do I need multiple templates for different combinations of exposure and ISO?

 - Ken