Hi all,
I'm wondering if someone can help with a calibration issue I seem to be having on an Ha master. In the screenshot below you will see a calibrated Ha light (bias, dark, calibrated flat master) that is clipped with an average of just over 1 count. I tried it using the default WBPP, BPP, and manual and I get the same results. I'm unsure if it's just that it's low signal data, or if I'm doing something wrong.
I've given a link to a folder that has several files in it. A single bias, dark, and flat, and light (the same light that was calibrated in the screenshot). I also included the calibrated light in the screenshot, the bias, dark, and calibrated flat masters.
The Ha data isn't critical as there is LRGB data, but I've been thinking about this problem all day trying different calibrations (omit bias, omit dark, etc.)
My general calibration routine if I do manual is:
bias/dark integration: Average, no normalization don't care/ linear fit clipping
flat calibration: Check master bias (do not check calibrate), check master dark (check calibrate and check optimize)
flat integration: average, Multiplicative, don't care, Windsorized sigma
light calibration: bias (calibrate unchecked), dark (calibrate and optimize checked), flat (calibrate unchecked)
then I do cosmo, SFS, star alignment, and light integration
Here is a link to a folder containing the .xisf and .fits files noted above
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FFBsaAFkUJB76woOui4rBcNe4lDTpXR_Thank you so much!