Author Topic: Request for seperate use master flat dark option in BPP and WBPP  (Read 2286 times)

Offline bdm1010

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I'm trying to utilize the batch pre-processing script to load all my lights and calibration frames.  I'm using an asi1600 mono so i'm using flat darks.  I usually take my flats before or after my imaging session then take the flat darks.  I have a master dark library for my lights. I load my master darks and all my individual flat darks into the darks tab.  The issue arises when I check the use master dark check box.  When this is selected the script assumes i'm using a master dark and a master flat dark but i am only using a master dark.  Is there a way around this?  Currently i am running WBPP for the cal frames, then i run it again on the lights using the master flats the previous run created.  It would be nice if there was a separate tab for flat darks, or a seperate check box for use master flat darks so you would be able to utilize a master dark and have all your flat darks loaded so the script will integrate the flat darks then calibrate the flats with that master flat dark without having to run the script twice.