Author Topic: Odd BatchPreProcessing vs. Weighted BatchPreProcessing Results  (Read 496 times)

Offline jwaters125

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I combined and processed 2 sets of M31 Lights taken ~5 days apart.  Each set consisted of 40 Lights including BIAS, Flats and Darks through both scripts.  The old Batch PreProcessing and the new Weighted BatchPreProcessing used Winsorized Sigma Clipping.  I wasn’t able to accurately align each image set so there’s overlap and the resultant stacked / integrated image needs to be cropped.

The BPP image needs to be cropped on the left and top and the WBPP image on the right and bottom.  The WBPP image is shifted (flipped?) while M31 orientation remains the same in both integrated images.  Why would these two integrated images be different and require different cropping?