Lights were created with N.I.N.A: (gain 120, offset 30), flat darks and flats are created with APT v.3.7.1 (gain 120, offset not written to the FITS header). We had it in another thread just recently:
It is not recommended to use different capturing software for light frames and calibration frames!---
FlatDarks captured at 25th November 2019 (folder "/flat darks/"):
The flat darks in the folder "/flat darks/" have a median of about 77 ADUs which is not plausible at all. Presumably these frames were captured with a different (higher) offset setting than most of the other frames. Unfortunately the offset is not visible for the frames captured with APT.
Accordingly the MasterFlatDark "dark-BINNING_1-EXPTIME_3.5.xisf" has a median of 77.257.
All of these files (flat darks of 25th November 2019, MasterFlatDark and the integration of the calibrated light frames) are unusable and should be deleted.
FlatDarks captured at 27th November 2019 (folder "/flat darks 2019-11-27 L-enhance fw 120 sweatshirt GOOD peaks good 2.5sec (WORKS)/"):
The first file in the folder "/flat darks 2019-11-27 L-enhance fw 120 sweatshirt GOOD peaks good 2.5sec (WORKS)/", "", is a
flat frame, NOT a flat dark. It belongs to the folder "/flats-2019-11-27 L-enhance fw 120 sweatshirt GOOD peaks good 2.5sec done (WORKS)/".
The remaining 35 flat darks have a median of 1916 ADUs which is in the expected range.
Correct dark frames and consequently a correct MasterDark are missing.
Additional to using the incorrectly captured flat darks and the missing dark frames there are mistakes using the script Batch Preprocessing:
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] * Begin integration of dark frames
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:08:04]
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] ImageIntegration: Global context
[2019-12-04 20:08:04]
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] Opening files:
[2019-12-04 20:08:04]
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] B:/Data/astronomy/Calibration Captures/Dark Flats/2019-11-25 L-enhance fw hyperstar 1.25 120 sweatshirt 3.5sec GOOD/
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] 36 FITS keywords extracted.
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] Reading FITS image: 16-bit integers, 1 channel(s), 4144x2822 pixels: done
[2019-12-04 20:08:04] Computing image statistics: done
[2019-12-04 20:08:05] Weight : 1.00000
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] * End integration of dark frames
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:08:32]
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] * Writing master dark frame:
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] B:/Data/astronomy/Captures/M42 Orion Nebula M42 hyperstar fw L-ehance/2019-11-25 30s 120 gain/PPoutput no darks/master/dark-BINNING_1-EXPTIME_3.5.xisf
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] Writing image 'integration': w=4144 h=2822 n=1 Gray Float32
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] 186 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] 16 image properties embedded.
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] Writing image 'rejection_low': w=4144 h=2822 n=1 Gray Float32
[2019-12-04 20:08:32] Writing image 'rejection_high': w=4144 h=2822 n=1 Gray Float32
[2019-12-04 20:08:33]
[2019-12-04 20:08:33] * Searching for a master flat dark frame with exposure time = 30s -- not found.
[2019-12-04 20:08:33]
[2019-12-04 20:08:33] * Calibration of flat frames skipped -- no flat darks found.
[2019-12-04 20:08:33]
[2019-12-04 20:08:33] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:08:33] * Begin integration of flat frames
[2019-12-04 20:08:33] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] * End integration of flat frames
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:09:18]
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] * Writing master flat frame:
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] B:/Data/astronomy/Captures/M42 Orion Nebula M42 hyperstar fw L-ehance/2019-11-25 30s 120 gain/PPoutput no darks/master/flat-FILTER_L-enhance-BINNING_1.xisf
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] Writing image 'integration': w=4144 h=2822 n=1 Gray Float32
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] 244 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] 16 image properties embedded.
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] Writing image 'rejection_low': w=4144 h=2822 n=1 Gray Float32
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] Writing image 'rejection_high': w=4144 h=2822 n=1 Gray Float32
[2019-12-04 20:09:18] Writing image 'slope_map': w=4144 h=2822 n=1 Gray Float32
[2019-12-04 20:09:20]
[2019-12-04 20:09:20] * Searching for a master dark frame with exposure time = 30s -- best match is 3.5s
[2019-12-04 20:09:20]
[2019-12-04 20:09:20] ************************************************************
[2019-12-04 20:09:20] * Begin calibration of light frames
[2019-12-04 20:09:20] ************************************************************
According to this section of the logfile generated by BPP there are several flaws:
1) The flat darks are taken as dark frames. The "MasterDark" in fact is the MasterFlatDark.
2) Surprisingly the script searches for a MasterFlatDark with an exposure time of 30 s (this is the exposure time of the LIGHT frames, the flat frames had an exposure time of 3.5 s!). It does not find one and skips the ccalibration of the flat frames. The uncalibrated flat frames are then integrated and the result is used as the MasterFlat.
3) Then the script searches for a MasterDark with an exposure time of 30 s, finds the one with 3.5 s and takes this.
So there is big confusion. Obviously this is caused by a wrong selection of the sort of frames (light, dark, flat, flat-dark). Normally this has to be set in the capturing software and the rest is done automatically. Alternatively one can denominate the files accord to their sort of frame (e.g. L for light, D for dark, F for Flat) and select them manually in BPP with 'Add Custom'.
The bottom line is: the flat frames were not calibrated at all. For the calibration of the light frames the MasterFlatDark made from the incorrect flat darks (instead of a MasterDark) and the "MasterFlat" (without subtraction of the bias offset) were used. The result is - not surprisingly - rubbish.
I strongly recommend you to perform the preparation of the master calibration files and the calibration of the light frames at least once separately.step by step (not with BPP but with the processes ImageIntegration, ImageCalibration, Debayer, StarAlignment). See my guide for a detailed description and explanation of the preprocessing.