I have been using PI for some years now with greate success.
Since the new update 1.8.8 and subsequent updates I have been unable to calibrate any RAW files when shooting with my canon 6D.
No problem with fit using my CCD camera or Canon 6D in SGpro when saved as Fits.
To overcome/roll back the problem I uninstalled PI and reinstalled.
This did not solve the problem and now RAW files are not shown as supported at all.
The problem now is worse as the PixInsight update system fails and reports then following:
https://pixinsight.com/update/1.8.8-2/: Parsing repository update information: Parsing platform element (line=30 offset=3): Invalid platform 'version' attribute value '1.8.8:1.8.8-2'
https://pixinsight.com/update-doc/1.8.8-2/: Parsing repository update information: Parsing platform element (line=73 offset=3): Invalid platform 'version' attribute value '1.8.8-1:1.8.8-2'
Any suggestion on getting update and RAW image support welcome.
Possible some info on why reinstallation has made matters worse.
This all said PI image processing is working well as long as I used fits.