I would also like to get the best out of my data, as a 'semi beginner' in manual pre-processing I respect Juan's point about final integration of light frames but have no real
clue how to use that information in the real world.
I have always used the following tutorial for manual pre-processing:
https://www.lightvortexastronomy.com/tutorial-pre-processing-calibrating-and-stacking-images-in-pixinsight.htmlAll looks very easy but how do I know if the settings suggested at each step gives me the best possible result for my particular data condition.
Master Bias vs Superbias - How can I tell if the Superbias is an improvement over using the standard master bias frame - Will I see it visually, in the statistics module, info
displayed in the process console ? ? ? ?
Image integration - Pixel Rejection settings ? - I could use the default settings suggested in the tutorial but how can I tell if these particular settings end up actually introducing
more noise into the final integration, OR, loosing valuable data and I've not even realized it.
Manual Pre-Processing is, for me, an exciting journey but sometimes I feel like I'm great with the steering wheel but have no clue what those pedals and that gear stick do.
It would be so nice to see video tutorials of these specific parts of the process (in depth) which helps someone like me begin to fully understand when to recognize when I have
just got those individual settings smack on and to know moving to the next stage in the process will be in the knowledge that I have just got the best possible result from the
previous process. Most tutorials I have seen on Youtube for example show loads of people going through manual pre-processing but they never go in depth about how they came
to particular set of settings and why the settings worked perfectly for their data set.