Author Topic: DBE question  (Read 523 times)

Offline tdgm

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DBE question
« on: 2019 November 29 19:38:36 »

I have a question related to background modelization. Tonight I did an experiment on what of my images after using ABE or DBE and looking at the model and image , I decided to use the same settings and see what I get and on each process there was anther model created so I applied and again repeated. I eventually did this 4 times and on the 5th time there was no model generated.

So my question is if no model can be generated does that mean all gradients are removed?

if yes why did it take 4 times to remove the gradient?

Has any one else ever notice this situation?[/color][/size][/b]


Offline pfile

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Re: DBE question
« Reply #1 on: 2019 November 29 20:20:10 »
no it doesn't mean that. if no model was generated by DBE, it means that there were not enough valid samples placed on the image. you can place 1000 samples but if the tolerance is set too low for the particular image, no sample will "capture" enough of the data underneath the sample, and DBE will reject that sample... it's as though it was never placed.

DBE or ABE can never know what is a gradient and what is signal; for instance if you place a DBE sample too close to the halo of a star, DBE will interpret the halo as gradient and darken the result image there... but that is a mistake; the star halo is not an LP gradient, it is just a dim feature that seems like it might be a gradient to the tool.


Offline tdgm

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Re: DBE question
« Reply #2 on: 2019 November 29 20:27:21 »
Thanks Rob

Stormy here so lots of free time to experiment on my data.
