With WBPP, how do I combine with groups from different nights (big difference, in interim optical train was broken down and replaced) that have different flats?
I try to keep my optical train together to use the same master flats for several weeks, but recently I went from my Esprit 100 on M33 to a camera lens for broad target, M31. When processing, I decided that my M33 Ha needed more data, as the HaRGB background was blotchy. So I reassembled the Esprit 100 train for several extra hours of Ha. The camera orientation is slightly different, so my new night's flat orientation is not the same as my old.
Can WBPP be run in a way to apply different flats for the 2 subsets, and subsequently combine the two?
Also, I am using a ASI183mm-Pro and my flats are of short duration (max of 1.3s for Ha), so I do NOT use Flat Darks, using Bias only. I did NOT check "Calibrate with flat darks only" and I get a warning about it using my 240s Darks.
Am I correct? How do I get WBPP to use Bias instead of Flat Darks?
I am a newbie and have only been using PI for 3 months.