Author Topic: Can't execute any utility scripts, path not found  (Read 3767 times)

Offline balt

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Can't execute any utility scripts, path not found
« on: 2009 September 18 21:24:03 »
Hi all,

For some reason my pxinsight seems to believe it's installed in my "Downloads" folder. Initially, after having moved it into the Applications folder, I couldn't run any of the filters, but somehow that rectified itself without me contributing. I think I ran the demo initially from the Downloads directory, then I bought the license and moved it to Applications.

The Utilities I still can't execute. This error is printed:

run -x=auto /Users/balt/Downloads/

Processing script file: /Users/balt/Downloads/
Unable to open file: /Users/balt/Downloads/ No such file or directory

How do I tell pixinsight that the stuff is located in the Applications directory?


- Balt

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Can't execute any utility scripts, path not found
« Reply #1 on: 2009 September 19 03:46:47 »
Hi Balt,

There seems to be a little mess in your installation, probably as a result of moving the application bundle. The fastest and simplest way to restore everything to a default working state is performing a complete reset of all PixInsight settings. This is very easy to do. Please follow these steps:

1. Open your Applications folder on Finder. Look for the application bundle. Select by clicking on it (a single click — don't launch the application at this point).

2. If you have a two-button mouse, right-click over to open a context menu. If you have a one-button mouse, press the Ctrl key (also known as Meta key on the Mac) while you click, with the same result.

3. Now press the Ctrl key and hold it pressed. Then click the Open option on the context menu. Don't release Ctrl until a dialog box pops up.

4. The dialog box tells you that you've launched PixInsight in a special "uninstall" mode. This is a back door trick that allows you to reset the whole PixInsight configuration —useful in catastrophic situations :) . Click the Yes button.

5. Accept the next dialog box (don't care about the backup configuration file; you can delete it later), and you're done. Now you can run PixInsight the usual way and everything should be normal. You may need to perform some manual configurations if you customized some aspects of PixInsight (with Preferences).

For the next releases (1.5.8 will be ready in less than a week or so), just replace your on /Applications, and there will be no problems.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline balt

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Re: Can't execute any utility scripts, path not found
« Reply #2 on: 2009 September 19 06:14:35 »
Fantastic Juan, that worked like a charm. Thanks!

Will 1.5.8 be a native 64bit OSX build?


- Balt