Author Topic: PixInsight crashes in StarAlignment while attempting "Register/Union - Separate"  (Read 1003 times)

Offline cgoodric

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I was attempting to create a registered panel for one side of a 2 panel mosaic, when PI crashes. No error message was given, PI simply closes. The console says it's at 93% while calculating recursive surface subspline when the crash occurs. I'm not sure where console messages are logged, but I can make it available if you let me know where to look. I made 4 attempts and crash occurs at the same place each time as far as I can tell. The other registered panel created fine using the same reference image.

PI version: 1.8.8-1, all updates applied.
System info: Windows 10 x64, Intel Core i7-7820 (8 cores) 3.6 GHz, 16 Gb mem

Screen shot showing StarAlignment settings:

I can make a zipped pxiproject folder available if needed (6Gb.)



Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi Calvin,

This should not happen, so you probably have hit a bug in the StarAlignment tool. Can you please upload the images you are trying to register, so I can make tests?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline cgoodric

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Thanks for your reply. I've made the pxiproject available on Google Drive (6Gb). Once you've loaded the project, you should only have to run the StarAlignment tool on the open image.

