I've sent you an email about this problem I've encountered with the script. It seems it is not reading the exposure times correctly from the FITS header. This causes the image files to be grouped incorrectly for calibration and integration. For example all the darks and flat darks are getting integrated together and not by the exposure time. My 60 second light frames are showing as "0.00 secs".
All subframes are captured by TheSkyX Pro which uses the FITS keyword EXPTIME. Not sure if this is the cause or perhaps a misinterpretation of the actual value itself.
the reason why you see zero seconds is that the duration is not stored in the file meta data or for some reason cannot be read by the PI apis. WBPP s compatible with both EXPTIME and EXPOSURE keywords but at the end, I don't know why, they are not read from the file (the reason can be investigated only by owning the files).
This is a perfect example where you can take advantage of the new
smart naming feature. Just rename the folders that contain your files by adding the missing data. For example, if the folder containing light frames is called "
lights" just rename it "
lights_60s" and the duration will be taken from it. You can rename single files if you prefer adding the same info to each.
You can also add binning and filter with the following syntax: "FILTER-Ha_BINNING-1", both, if missing, will be extracted by the file name or the containing folder.
So, at the end, if you rename
- "dark_BINNING-1_60s" for the dark frames folder
- "dark_BINNING-1_2s" for the flat darks folder
- "flat_BINNING-1_FILTER-Ha_2s" for the flats folder
- "light_BINNING-1_FILTER-Ha_60s" for the lights folder
the missing information will be read from these names.
NOTE: the filter name read by smart naming is alphanumeric only so the name H-a will be interpreted as "H" only. In your case you don't even need to add it since it's correctly read form the FITS header as H-a.
Let me know if you face further issues