Yesterday I was preparing a new set of flats for a new filter configuration.
Using an ASI1600mc I shot the three sets of flats for three different gain and offset settings. It records images in fits format.
I then shot a set of 'dark flats' with the same gain and offset and duration as the flats. Then created a master dark flat.
When I go to calibrate the individual flat subs to the corresponding master dark flat I get the 'incompatible image geometry'.
Obviously something got rotated somehow? Maybe when I created the master dark flat?
Anyhow I remember some setting in file explorer but cant remember exactly what.
What has changed? I have been calibrating flats with master darks with no issues for years. Now all of a sudden something changed.
I am not at the machine(s) with the images or PI but wanted to put a feeler out so when I do get home I might have a better idea of where to start.