Author Topic: Processing adding blue to image.  (Read 540 times)

Offline Mybluox

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Processing adding blue to image.
« on: 2019 November 05 11:31:03 »
I'm using Ver. 1.8.7 with all the updates. Images are from a Sbig STF-8300c OSC. I use Maxim DL Ver5 pro to take images.

I first noticed the bug when Using BatchPreProcessing. The first time I used it the master image was normal. In subsequent uses with the same images The blue level is much higher. From .00199 to .2000

I then tried manually processing by Doing each step separately. and the image was normal.  In subsequent uses with the same images The blue level is much higher.
 I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Pixinsight but the program keeps all the settings.

I don't know what else to try here.


Telescopes: Meade 12" LX200/GPS, Orion SkyView pro 80mm ED EQ Piggybacked on the LX200, Mitty Wedge
Cameras: Meade DSI Color, STF-8300c, STi Color
Filter: Optolong L-Pro

Offline pfile

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Re: Processing adding blue to image.
« Reply #1 on: 2019 November 05 11:39:07 »
this is kind of a normal thing, it depends on what reference frame you use, how bright your flats are between channels, etc.

you need to always, no matter what, do BackgroundNeutralization and ColorCalibration to your light masters. this (or the one-stop shopping of PhotometricColorCalibration) will fix the colors, every time.

make sure when setting the background threshold in BN that you set it high enough to capture the brightest background channel, or it won't do anything. look on the console to make sure that it actually applied a scaling factor to each channel.


Offline Mybluox

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Re: Processing adding blue to image.
« Reply #2 on: 2019 November 05 11:49:18 »
this is kind of a normal thing, it depends on what reference frame you use, how bright your flats are between channels, etc.

you need to always, no matter what, do BackgroundNeutralization and ColorCalibration to your light masters. this (or the one-stop shopping of PhotometricColorCalibration) will fix the colors, every time.

make sure when setting the background threshold in BN that you set it high enough to capture the brightest background channel, or it won't do anything. look on the console to make sure that it actually applied a scaling factor to each channel.



I used the same reference and Master's each time. Why would it work the first time and not after the first. I always do a BackgroundNeutralization and ColorCalibration. It does not fix the blue saturation of the image.

Telescopes: Meade 12" LX200/GPS, Orion SkyView pro 80mm ED EQ Piggybacked on the LX200, Mitty Wedge
Cameras: Meade DSI Color, STF-8300c, STi Color
Filter: Optolong L-Pro

Offline pfile

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Re: Processing adding blue to image.
« Reply #3 on: 2019 November 05 14:46:36 »
90% probability that you're not applying those two processes right.

just post the master light and someone can give the right settings.


Offline Mybluox

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Re: Processing adding blue to image.
« Reply #4 on: 2019 November 05 15:50:05 »
90% probability that you're not applying those two processes right.

just post the master light and someone can give the right settings.



Here is the first one. You can see that the colors are pretty well balanced.

Here is the second one. I used the exact same settings and references. Notice the blue saturation and the unbalanced colors.

Thank you for any help in resolving this issue.

Telescopes: Meade 12" LX200/GPS, Orion SkyView pro 80mm ED EQ Piggybacked on the LX200, Mitty Wedge
Cameras: Meade DSI Color, STF-8300c, STi Color
Filter: Optolong L-Pro

Offline pfile

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Re: Processing adding blue to image.
« Reply #5 on: 2019 November 05 19:26:20 »
i think somehow you forgot to debayer your images. they should not have this screen-door effect...


Offline Mybluox

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Re: Processing adding blue to image.
« Reply #6 on: 2019 November 06 03:28:51 »

They were debayered. But I think I found the problem. I believe I have a corrupted Master Flat file. After lots of trial and error. I narrowed it down to the master flat. I tried using a different master flat and everything is working normally. Go figure.

Thank you for your help,

Telescopes: Meade 12" LX200/GPS, Orion SkyView pro 80mm ED EQ Piggybacked on the LX200, Mitty Wedge
Cameras: Meade DSI Color, STF-8300c, STi Color
Filter: Optolong L-Pro