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The idea behind PhotometricColorCalibration (PCC) seems great. However, as an inexperienced PixInsight user, I cannot get it to work correctly. I have an RGB image of Messier 33, with one-hour exposures through each of the three R,G, and B filters. (I have not combined it with the 2-hour luminance image.) I had trouble with version 1.8.6, so I downloaded the latest 1.8.7 version, and I have the same problem with it.
My telescope setup is 1085 mm f/7, ZWO color filters, and a ZWO ASI1600mm-Pro camera.
I am using fairly standard inputs of "Broadband," "Average Sprial Galaxy," "APASS" photometry index, etc. I let it find the RA and DEC coordinates for M33. I let the program read the dates and imaging details from one of the monochrome versions of the subs. (It comes back with a focal length of 1000.0 mm, which I reset to 1085 mm.) When I ask it to process the image, it works for a while, and includes messages such as:
2nd try
221 putative star pair matching
98 star pair matches in 145 RANSAC iterations
scale: 0.912
rotation: +73.29 deg
dx: +4049.81 px
dy: -1490.71 px
Then it says "Running." but it continues running for at least 3 hours, and I have to do a Ctrl-Alt-Del to get the task manager and stop the PixInsight program in that way. The computer is a new Dell laptop Inspiron 15 5000 Series - 5570. I assume from the messages above that it successfully downloaded the photometry data, and that it did a match with my image. Is that correct?
Thank you for the help,