I've got 110 900 second frames loaded that have been calibrated and cosmetic corrected and when load as usual I get failure of all but the file being used for alignment. These same frames in another program align just fine. I reset the settings in case something got corrupted but no joy. Something is very amiss. Years of using PI has never had this failure. PI is current and has been since it's last update. I closed Pi, reopened and tried again, no joy. I rebooted the system and no joy. I'll try on another computer but this just happened. I ran PI without issue yesterday and successfully aligned over 300 images......I tired a smaller stack and same results message below.
StarAlignment: Global context
Loading reference image:
Loading image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
154 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
Fitting 1707 stars: done
503 PSF fits.
Registration of 6 target files.
* Using 6 worker threads.
[000] I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/CC/900/ARP273-20191027@034453-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc.xisf
[001] I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/CC/900/ARP273-20191027@040043-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc.xisf
[002] I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/CC/900/ARP273-20191027@041637-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc.xisf
[003] I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/CC/900/ARP273-20191027@043228-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc.xisf
[004] I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/CC/900/ARP273-20191027@045047-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc.xisf
[005] I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/CC/900/ARP273-20191027@050641-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc.xisf
* Waiting for running tasks to terminate...
Loading target file:
Loading image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
154 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
Fitting 1746 stars: done
788 PSF fits.
Matching stars: done
210 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #2
Matching stars: done
171 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #3
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
86 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #4
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
71 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #5
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
44 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #6
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
41 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #7
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
26 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #8
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
23 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #9
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
17 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #10
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 5 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #11
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #12
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #13
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #14
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #15
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
170 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #16
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
142 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
*** Error:
*** Error: Unable to find an initial set of putative star pair matches.
* Applying error policy: Continue on error.
Loading target file:
Loading image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
154 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
Fitting 1707 stars:
503 PSF fits.
Matching stars: done
503 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
503 star pair matches in 12 RANSAC iterations.
* Summary of model properties:
Inliers : 1.000
Overlapping : 1.000
Regularity : 0.983
Quality : 0.996
Root mean square error:
delta_RMS : 0.000 px
RMS error deviation:
sigma_RMS : 0.000 px
Peak errors:
delta_x_max : 0.000 px
delta_y_max : 0.000 px
* Projective transformation matrix:
+1.000000 -0.000000 +0.000000
+0.000000 +1.000000 +0.000000
+0.000000 -0.000000 +1.000000
translation : 0.00 px
translation_x : +0.00 px
translation_y : +0.00 px
rotation : +0.00 deg
scale : 1.000
scale_x : 1.000
scale_y : 1.000
Generating registered image
Homographic Projection / Lanczos-3 interpolation, c=0.30: done
Registration successful.
Writing output file: I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/PI/900/ARP273-20191027@034453-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc_r.xisf
* File already exists, writing to: I:/David_SRO/Filters/ARP273/PI/900/ARP273-20191027@034453-900S-Luminance-PA004-E-T-20_c_cc_r_3.xisf
Writing image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
175 FITS keyword(s) embedded.
6 image properties embedded.
Loading target file:
Loading image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
154 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
Fitting 1912 stars: done
839 PSF fits.
Matching stars: done
215 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #2
Matching stars: done
183 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #3
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
87 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #4
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
68 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #5
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
48 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #6
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
46 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #7
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
23 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #8
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
17 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #9
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
15 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #10
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 5 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #11
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #12
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #13
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #14
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #15
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
169 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #16
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
154 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
*** Error:
*** Error: Unable to find an initial set of putative star pair matches.
* Applying error policy: Continue on error.
Loading target file:
Loading image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
154 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
Fitting 1781 stars:
550 PSF fits.
Matching stars: done
183 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #2
Matching stars: done
165 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #3
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
93 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #4
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
93 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #5
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
46 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #6
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
40 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #7
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
22 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #8
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
12 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #9
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
10 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #10
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #11
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #12
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #13
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #14
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #15
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
162 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #16
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
153 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
*** Error:
*** Error: Unable to find an initial set of putative star pair matches.
* Applying error policy: Continue on error.
Loading target file:
Loading image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
154 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
Fitting 1745 stars:
472 PSF fits.
Matching stars: done
168 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #2
Matching stars: done
144 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #3
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
98 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #4
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
86 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #5
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
34 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #6
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
34 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #7
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
21 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #8
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
6 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #9
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
15 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #10
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #11
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #12
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #13
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #14
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #15
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
159 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #16
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
155 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
*** Error:
*** Error: Unable to find an initial set of putative star pair matches.
* Applying error policy: Continue on error.
Loading target file:
Loading image: w=4096 h=4096 n=1 Gray Float32
154 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
Fitting 1883 stars:
615 PSF fits.
Matching stars: done
193 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #2
Matching stars: done
171 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #3
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
92 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #4
* Reference image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
76 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #5
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
38 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #6
* Reference image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
38 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #7
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
22 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #8
* Reference image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
9 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #9
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
14 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #10
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
11 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #11
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #12
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #13
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #14
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #15
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
167 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #16
* Reference image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
147 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
*** Error:
*** Error: Unable to find an initial set of putative star pair matches.
* Applying error policy: Continue on error.
===== StarAlignment: 1 succeeded, 5 failed, 0 skipped =====
18.462 s