Hi Roger
I thought I answered your question already in the other thread, but obviously you didnt't understand:
There is no point in trying to do an overscan calibration in case of CMOS sensors.
For calibration of CMOS sensor data you'll need:
1) light frames,
2) dark frames (same gain, offset, temperature and exposure time as the light frames)
3) flat frames
4) flat-darks (same gain, offset, temperature and exposure time as the flat frames). Don't capture bias frames, they are not needed.
Don't pre-calibrate the darks, just integrate them to the MasterDark.
Similarly integrate the flat-darks to the MasterFlatDark
Calibrate the flat frames with the MasterFlatDark and integrate the calibrated flat frames to the MasterFlat.
Calibration of the light frames:
- uncheck the section 'Master Bias',
- in section 'Master Dark' select the MasterDark. Both options 'Calibrate' and 'Optimize' have to be unchecked)
- in section 'Master Flat' select the MasterFlat. Option 'Calibrate' has to be unchecked.
(Explained in detail in my guide
https://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=11968 )