Author Topic: Using LRGB processing for OSC images and comparison without  (Read 8339 times)

Offline starwind

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I recently tried applying LRGB processing to my M51 data taken with my Canon t3i DSLR and was pleasantly surprised by the outcome:

High level process: split my Bayer drizzled integrated image into L,R,G,B components using PI's ChannelExtraction. Then processed by pretending to have acquired these channels separately: combining RGB channels and then adding in L using PI's LRGBCombination.

For comparison, the Bayer drizzled image processed the 'usual way' is here:

And the non Bayer drizzled (integrated with individual debayered subs) is here:

The same subs were used in all three above. They've have had identical processing steps applied with mild differences to parameters within processes tuned to the differences in the starting points.

IMO, the noise is better controlled in the LRGB version and it has better colors, resolution and stars.

Offline jtaylor9

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Re: Using LRGB processing for OSC images and comparison without
« Reply #1 on: 2020 January 21 16:06:17 »
I like the LRGB processed version better.  Nice job, thanks for the post.