I lost power due to the hurricane the past 24 hours. Back now. Not sure for how long. Seems to be holding.
I have to digest what Rob and Andres have posted. Not sure I understand it all. Please note that I have been very successful in assembling eight of these drizzled Ha panels so far. IS, MBC and GMM were doing great for me! Then I "hit a wall" with that error. Not sure why.
The six images uploaded are only half of the mosiac's full width.
The registered WCS files are NOT all the same size! Frames 1, 2 & 3 are all 9177 x 13717. Frames 6, 7 & 8 are 8547 x 13818.
I appreciate your effort, Rob but my machine seems not be having any great difficulty, or taking an inordinate amount of time in handling these drizzled files. Why the registered WCS files seem of slightly different size I have no idea. Then again, I had no idea they were even supposed to be of identical size.
Seeing as how they do differ in size, is there any way forward for me in this project? Andres mentions Align By Coordinates. I will give that a try. Never used it before and did not understand what its function is.
The panels, BTW are from an FSQ106 reduced to f/3.6, 385mm EFL mounted to an STL full frame. Each panel spans about 3.4 x 5.1 degrees of sky. So, yes, the mosaic covers a lot of sky!
good to hear you're back online!
my problem was simply user error - i had been working on a mosaic of the andromeda galaxy and accidentally left the center coordinates checked for that project, hence i was asking for a mosaic all the way from andromeda to cygnus, which is quite a bit of sky. i didn't realize what i had done until after i posted that response. after i fixed that problem i got 8 reasonably-sized frames of exactly the same dimensions that GMM was perfectly happy with.
if you ran MBC on all 8 files at the same time, there's no way they should have different sizes. i was asking about the sizes because in the past, i've seen StarAlignment sometimes output mosaic panels of the size X,Y and X+1, Y, meaning the size is only off by one pixel. here something else is going on - i've never seen MBC do that. did you run 1,2,3 separately from 6,7,8 in MBC? it sounds like you did, since the mosaic image is roughly square when i run all 8 at once, and yours are rectangular.
i think you *can* run MBC multiple times on subsets of your mosaic as long as you lock down the center coordinates and pixel scale, etc. before running the second batch. otherwise, the center coordinates, rotation, pixelscale, etc. are computed from the input files given, which if you load one set in one run and another set in another run without locking that stuff, you'll definitely get different sized images centered on different places.