Author Topic: Mac: some icons have incorrect size when switching monitors  (Read 1066 times)

Offline VoidPointer

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I am running PixInsight on a MacBook with retina display. I am switching a lot between using the laptop "on the go" and having it hooked up to a larger monitor on my desk.
When I start PixInsight on the laptop display and hook the computer up to the large monitor, some icons will look too large (see first screenshot)
Vice versa, when I launch PixInsight on my desk monitor and then unplug the laptop to work on its built-in display, some icons will look too small (see second screenshot)

Workaround is to restart PixInsight which is a bit inconvinient due to loss of undo-history or loss of intermediate images such as masks, etc. that I wouldn't always save as part of my project.

Screenshot 1: icons too large when switching from laptop display to desk monitor

Screenshot 2: icons too small when switching from desk monitor to laptop display


Offline dave_galera

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Re: Mac: some icons have incorrect size when switching monitors
« Reply #1 on: 2019 August 27 06:40:52 »
I have the same problem with dual screens on iMac, the small icons appear only on the second screen, the screen on the host system are OK, but I can still see them so I don't worry about them.

Offline VoidPointer

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Re: Mac: some icons have incorrect size when switching monitors
« Reply #2 on: 2019 August 28 02:00:22 »
Yep. Same thing happens for me when moving the application window between the laptop display and the external monitor.
My guess would be that for some items the resolution/DPI change isn't handled/detected correctly and thus they are rendered assuming the old DPI value. Consequently an icon that assumes high-DPI (retina) is rendered too large on a lower-DPI (non-retina) display and an item that still assumes low-DPI ends up being rendered too small on a high-DPI display...

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Mac: some icons have incorrect size when switching monitors
« Reply #3 on: 2019 August 28 03:59:21 »
This is not a bug. It is a limitation present in current versions of PixInsight:

- The PixInsight core application scales to the primary monitor at startup. When two or more monitors with different physical resolutions are being used, this means that one or more of them will show incorrectly scaled UI components. The same happens if the primary monitor is alternated between high-dpi and normal dpi resolutions, or different high-dpi resolutions.

- When a UI component is moved across monitors with different physical resolutions, scaling factors are not recalculated on the fly. As a result, the component will be incorrectly scaled on some monitors.

These limitations will be overcome in a future version. However, we have a huge list of priorities before doing this. The best workaround is using multiple monitors with the same physical resolution (for example, two 4K or two 5K monitors on UNIX/Linux and Windows, or any two high-dpi monitors on macOS).
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline VoidPointer

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Re: Mac: some icons have incorrect size when switching monitors
« Reply #4 on: 2019 August 28 04:08:37 »
Thanks Juan. Yes, this is clearly more of a cosmetic issue and I understand that there are more important tasks if this isn't an easy fix.
Almost all of the UI works correctly when moving it between different monitors. So I was hoping that maybe something that was done to adept to resolution changes for other UI components was maybe just forgotten for the few items that don't manage to make the transition - But I know from experience that these things aren't always as simple as they might seem from the outside. Especially in the realm of cross-platform UI :-)

Offline dave_galera

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Re: Mac: some icons have incorrect size when switching monitors
« Reply #5 on: 2019 August 28 04:37:47 »
Thanks Juan, its not a problem for me