This is not a bug. It is a limitation present in current versions of PixInsight:
- The PixInsight core application scales to the primary monitor at startup. When two or more monitors with different physical resolutions are being used, this means that one or more of them will show incorrectly scaled UI components. The same happens if the primary monitor is alternated between high-dpi and normal dpi resolutions, or different high-dpi resolutions.
- When a UI component is moved across monitors with different physical resolutions, scaling factors are not recalculated on the fly. As a result, the component will be incorrectly scaled on some monitors.
These limitations will be overcome in a future version. However, we have a huge list of priorities before doing this. The best workaround is using multiple monitors with the same physical resolution (for example, two 4K or two 5K monitors on UNIX/Linux and Windows, or any two high-dpi monitors on macOS).