This is more of a request for guidance than an issue. I normal blink my raw files after each session to see how many subs I may need to cull out for wind, shakes, bad focus, etc. Of course, some of my images are upside down because of meridian flips. I've been thinking it would be nice for Blink to automatically flip these images (only for viewing) so all the raw subs are in the same orientation, but I have to assume this isn't implemented for a good reason.
So, I ask here, how do folks Blink such a combination of images? Do you do a batch rotation to the individual files before blinking? Am I missing some obvious option, process, or script that would do this easily for me? Other than for the Blink process, PI star aligns everything and rotates images appropriately during registration, so I basically just need to have them flipped temporarily for Blink before I put any time & effort in calibration.
Thoughts and guidance would be appreciated.