Author Topic: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image  (Read 1798 times)

Offline pfile

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #15 on: 2019 August 22 11:27:46 »
primalucia makes some nice ruggedized computers that are meant to be put on the OTA... but of course they are still windows computers...

Yes but doesnt hace Cortana, or speakers, or APP stores, or on and on and on.  One still needs a laptop though right?  The Primaluce has no screen, so I don't see it eliminating the problem--it improves the rig no doubt, but I am pretty happy with my rig--Its the computer connection that is the problem.  The rig is only as strong a its weakest link--even if the HULK is one of the links

the idea is that you just run the capture software and mount control / plate solving junk on the OTA computer and then connect to it remotely with another computer. i have no shortage of laptops and desktops so it makes sense for me to do it this way. and putting the computer on the OTA keeps all the wiring local to the telescope - not much has to come off the mount, maybe just power and USB.

blowing away the area covered by the high-res image in the low res image did not work too well. i think GMM did not have any overlap to work with. using clonestamp to feather the mask used to zero out that part of the image did not make GMM happy. so what i did was clone the mask and then apply morphological transformation set to erosion and a perfectly square structuring element, which shrank the mask area by a few pixels, then i used that to zero out the middle area. GMM was happier with that but the seam in the final image is more obvious now because of the SNR differences. it might be better to just let GMM average the high res and low res images together, meaning, don't remove the core of the low-res image.

I think the problem will go away if working with Linear data that is stretched to the same degree.  These were JPEGS so you were limited.  BTW--a complete replacement of data may not be a bad idea.  After all, for those higher resolution areas its the higher resolution image we want to see.  In this case that was most of the image, which is a bit unusual.   I am still not getting a warm an d fuzzy feeling and shouting "Yes, I can now put high resolution data into my low res images!"  For such a commonly performed task, it sure seems like the secrets are locked behind closed doors.  Am I to infer that the blasphemous statement "PS is better for some things" to be acknowledged? Come now--refute that nonsense.....

i don't know... i never learned PS, never needed to, so i wouldn't know how to do this over there. since i've been using this tool for 10+ years i just sort of know how to do things... can't tell you how or why, just learned it organically by using it.


Offline rdryfoos

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #16 on: 2019 August 22 11:34:10 »
The quotes are vall screwed up at bthis end for some reason--Its either all or nothing--so to pFile:  I wish I could do it that way too.  But I don't even have internet at my rig.  My laptop can't pick up my house service from teh way back yard.  Always something

Offline dave_galera

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #17 on: 2019 August 22 12:11:06 »
My telescope PC (windooze unfortunately) is not connected to the internet either, as I don't want security software (which you would need) on the PC messing things up, had bad experiences with security software taking control, never again.

At the end of an imaging session, while I am packing everything up and closing the dome etc, I stick a memory stick in the PC and copy all images to it. That then goes in my pocket ready for downloading to my PixInsight processing system (iMac) the next day.....job done.

Offline rdryfoos

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #18 on: 2019 August 22 12:15:18 »
My telescope PC (windooze unfortunately) is not connected to the internet either, as I don't want security software (which you would need) on the PC messing things up, had bad experiences with security software taking control, never again.

At the end of an imaging session, while I am packing everything up and closing the dome etc, I stick a memory stick in the PC and copy all images to it. That then goes in my pocket ready for downloading to my PixInsight processing system (iMac) the next day.....job done.
  But in order to use the primalucia computer and take advantage of its powers isn't WIFI needed? If I don't have internet service I don't have wifi--or maybe that's wrong--not a technopile

Offline pfile

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #19 on: 2019 August 22 12:53:05 »
no you can have a wifi base station without internet service. it's just that a lot of internet routers have wifi in them but there's nothing that says routers and wifi need to be combined like that.


Offline rdryfoos

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #20 on: 2019 August 22 13:11:49 »
no you can have a wifi base station without internet service. it's just that a lot of internet routers have wifi in them but there's nothing that says routers and wifi need to be combined like that.

But my internet service router would not be sufficient regardless (it has wifi I think and I don't think the wifi element reaches my rig either.  I would love to be able to image without having to run out to the rig every hour.  Then again, I need to learn plate solving and autofocus for that--two things I have not sacrifised clear sky time to learn.

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #21 on: 2019 August 28 15:47:48 »
I have been imaging for almost 20 years now - and I have never once needed to plate-solve. I almost never re-focus, so I don't have any fancy sofwtare/hardware combination to mess me around there either. And I don't need any other software packages, because PixIsignt does everything i need (and more).

KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid

In other words, don't make the job more difficult than it has to be


Paraphrasing, watch the on-line video tutorials.

[HTH - Hope this helps  :P ]
Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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Offline rdryfoos

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #22 on: 2019 August 28 20:06:39 »
I have been imaging for almost 20 years now - and I have never once needed to plate-solve. I almost never re-focus, so I don't have any fancy sofwtare/hardware combination to mess me around there either. And I don't need any other software packages, because PixIsignt does everything i need (and more).

KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid

In other words, don't make the job more difficult than it has to be


Paraphrasing, watch the on-line video tutorials.

[HTH - Hope this helps  :P ]
If you have never had to refocus then you must be playing a different game than I.  You witticism does not really tell me how to add high resolution data into widefield images--or, identify a tutorial that you suggest I watch.  i have looked for them and did not find one--hence the reason I asked the forum.  If it can be done in pixinsight--then how?  How do the people that practice this technique on a regular basis do it? 

Offline rdryfoos

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Re: Adding high resolution data to lowere resolution image
« Reply #23 on: 2019 September 08 10:48:07 »
How about using high resolution data to insert as a luminance?  That's a bit different--its not adding pictures together.  It is insering the data into a single channel--the Lum channel (or lightness channel).

How to do this?