What you describe is perfectly normal behavior. Drizzle integration uses exclusively calibrated data, i.e. pre-registered, non-interpolated data. If you have implemented all preprocessing tasks correctly, the geometric transformations necessary for image registration, along with statistical data and pixel rejection data, have already been stored in the .xdrz files that you load from the DrizzleIntegration tool. The drizzle algorithm reads the original calibrated pixels and re-projects them on a finer grid.
I strongly recommend you to read the original paper by Fruchter and Hook, where the drizzle algorithm was first described:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/1840344_Drizzle_A_Method_for_the_Linear_Reconstruction_of_Undersampled_ImagesIn our implementation of drizzle, the registered frames, as well as the output of the ImageIntegration tool, are all temporary data necessary to update .xdrz files.
As for LocalNormalization:
- Please do not use it on a regular basis, unless you have good reasons to use it (mainly gradients with varying orientations).
- Please do not use it on dissimilar images. For example, don't use LN on narrowband and wideband images. This simly does not make any sense.
- Always inspect the resulting images after LN. The LN task is ill-posed by nature, so never take for granted that the implemented algorithms will succeed. The LocalNormalization tool provides many resources for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of results.