Author Topic: Color balance\calibration lost after LRGBCombination?  (Read 753 times)

Offline akulapanam

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I have been noticing recently that all the time I put in initially with PCC or traditional color calibration is sometimes lost after I use the LRGBCombination process.  Not completely sure what is going on here besides the Lum highlighting different areas of the image that are a bit more bias in one color? 

What is the best way to fix the problem?  You can manually use HistrogramTransformation to fix the problem or in some cases export to photoshop and then use autotone or autocolor.  However, it seems like there should be a better solution.

Offline ngc1535

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Re: Color balance\calibration lost after LRGBCombination?
« Reply #1 on: 2019 July 16 11:07:10 »
Everything you need exists within PixInsight.
Without seeing the image, the initial results (of your color channel combination) and the LRGB combination- it is *very* hard to assess.
You did not mention flat field errors or the use of background modeling (DBE). Minimizing flat errors and using DBE can greatly mitigate color issues with images.

Using LRGBCombination doesn't change the color balance. It may show you existing imbalances or issues with more ease because of the stronger source illumination.
Usually the issue with blending Luminance data with color is that there is a loss of color across the image. This is part of the game of LRGBCombination and there are various
techniques you can employ that will help give you consistent results.
