Author Topic: AnnotateImage sometimes shows empty circles for galaxies  (Read 552 times)

Offline t-ara-fan

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I have the scripts ImageSolver and AnnotateImage figured out, and they work well.   It was fun to get a list of ~500 galaxies in my wide field view of Markarian's chain.  However, some galaxies that are labelled don't seem to be in my image.

Does AnnotateImage just list every possible galaxy in a field of view, or does PI think there is a "faint fuzzy" there that warrants being labelled?  In the photo below PGC40524 (in the center) and PGC40473 (lower right) are empty circles.

Offline pfile

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Re: AnnotateImage sometimes shows empty circles for galaxies
« Reply #1 on: 2019 April 24 14:39:04 »
there's no image analysis going on; whatever is in the FOV in the database selected gets annotated...

you just need more integration time, maybe you can see those galaxies  O0


Offline t-ara-fan

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Re: AnnotateImage sometimes shows empty circles for galaxies
« Reply #2 on: 2019 April 24 14:48:16 »
Thanks for the prompt reply.

The lightly processed image I posted is a crop from a 5x 300sec stack (25 minutes total) taken with my modest 80mm f/6 triplet and and ASI071MC Pro camera.

I took the pic with a 66% illuminated moon not far from my target.  The main object of that night was to get autofocus working (it works) and the pic is kind of a bonus.

I agree, with 10x the exposure and no moon I will catch a few more galaxies.

Offline pfile

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Re: AnnotateImage sometimes shows empty circles for galaxies
« Reply #3 on: 2019 April 24 17:00:13 »
that's a pretty good result under those conditions!
