It seems that you're doing the right thing. What exposure times do the flats have? How do you create the master flat? Do you use filters when imaging? If yes, do you take flats for those as well?
Lots of questions, I know
I am asking myself the same questions : ). I use a LPS filter UHC-S from Baader which stays on all the time.
The exposure is the one needed to bring the histogram close to the middle, usually between 1-3s.
The master flat is created by the batchpreprocessing script. Or I created by respecting the protocol from Warren's book, Inside Pixinsight, multiplicative normalization when integrating, calibrating before with the bias and master and enabling optimization.
For my latest preprocessing image I made the masters manually Bias, Dark and Flat and integrated using batchpreprocessing without obtaining the Starburst.
Why would optimizing the darks for the flat calibration fail to subtract the Starburst?
I imagine that the capturing program writes the duration of the exposition in the fits file. Could it be a problem at this level? Can I check somehow the parameters in the fits file?