Does anyone know what causes chromatic mottling in higher signal areas of an RGB (SHO) image? I say high signal areas to mean non background regions. I am not referring mottled background. Take a look at the crop from the Rosette nebula in Hubble palette. I do not always have this problem--but sometimes. I tried combining these stacks 2 ways--first without linear fitting to the Ha stack (the brightest) and then after linear fitting to the Ha stack (per the Light Vortex Video that indicates this is the proper way--not the way we were taught at the PI seminar, so I have my doubts). But--regardless, I get mottles that show up in the red channel either way. I have inspected all the channels, and it turns out that when scrolling through the RG and B channels when looking at the image, the mottles are in all channels--but they manifest themselves in the red channel (in blue for instance they look like dark regions, and in green, less dark). But in the simplest terms--it is mottling in the red channel and I have tried everything to remove it as well as to prevent it and nothing seems to work.