I am under the impression that AHD is superior to VNG.
Why? Yes, we can implement more CFA interpolation algorithms in the Debayer tool. However, this is not a priority task for the following reason: In current versions of PixInsight, CFA interpolation with the Debayer tool is intended exclusively for generation of temporary working images, required as input for StarAlignment. The only recommended way to generate integrated color images from CFA raw data, be it data acquired with digital cameras or single-shot CCD cameras, is DrizzleIntegration (i.e., CFA drizzle, AKA Bayer drizzle). The only exception may be if you have just a marginal number of raw frames, where drizzle may not be applicable.
As for the FBDD noise reduction algorithm, it is
already implemented in the Debayer tool. However, I have disabled it for now. After extensive testing, I have found that this algorithm, while being great for most daylight images, is not so good for astronomical data, where it tends to generate artifacts. The FBDD implementation in Debayer is still experimental and subject to future evaluation. I doubt it will be available in production versions of the tool, at least at this point.