Hi Mark,
Ok, detector parameters seem better. If that is the method noise image in the background, the script did in fact do something as this image is nonzero. Method noise is the difference between the input and output. Method noise is useful as it provides the noise "guessed" by the script on a per pixel basis.
Note that blank sky typically has a bit of texture (eg. unresolved stars, etc), which is "signal" and which the script tries not to remove. But this requires that the script be set up properly and that all processing (calibration, alignment, integration) be "correct".
After selecting your input image in the script, click on the "Load variance scale..." button. If the script finds certain metadata in the input image, it will update the "Variance scale" value with a better estimate. If this metadata is missing, you will be asked to choose a log file, just cancel if this happens.
Beyond that, it is hard to for me to tell much just with your screen shots. If you want, and if possible, zip together 4 images: the integrated input image, one raw frame, its calibrated version, and its aligned version, and message me with a dropbox link. I may be able to find something else to suggest by looking these images.