Author Topic: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.  (Read 761 times)

Offline ballyhoo

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Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« on: 2019 April 05 21:04:04 »
This seems odd to me. I had checked all subs to exclude poor quality images, etc and i tried to follow the calibration/integration procedures as close as I good in the Inside Pix insight text. I created flats, bias to super-bias and Darks,  Only item I was not sure about was in the calibration of , I think it was flats, where you browze all your calibration files in the top but then you also need to specify a master dark and super-bias, was I specified the folder of the master and also it was included in the browsed selection of all files to be calibrated at the top. But that part seems inconsequential . I however do not understand what up with these baby stars.  When I aligned them in Nebulosity they did not have baby stars so I am thinking it was something I did wrong on the calib/integration steps

Thanks for your help.

Offline bulrichl

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Re: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« Reply #1 on: 2019 April 06 02:10:58 »
Your integration is a monochrome Color Filter Array (CFA) image. That means: your workflow is wrong.

Correct workflow for the light frames:
ImageCalibration -> (optional: CosmeticCorrection) -> Debayer -> StarAlignment -> ImageIntegration

You have to debayer the calibrated light frames before registering them (process debayer, Bayer/mosaic pattern: RGGB, Demosaicing method: VNG). Debayering converts the monochrome CFA image into a RGB image. This step is necessary to make possible the registering (star alignment) step.

For the integration of the calibrated, debayered and aligned images, your settings are not optimal. The setting of 'Normalization' in the section 'Image Integration' shall be "Additive with scaling". "Multiplicative" shall be used only for the integration of calibrated flat fields to the MasterFlat. Furthermore 'Weights' shall be set to "Noise evaluation".

So delete the aligned images and the final integration, debayer the calibrated images, then register and finally integrate. When viewing the integration, use the ScreenTransferFunction with 'Link RGB channels' (the chain symbol) not selected since the color channels are not yet color calibrated.


Offline ballyhoo

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Re: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« Reply #2 on: 2019 April 06 08:44:45 »
This is so awesome that you are helping me like this. At the same time, could you steer me to some additional text that outlines the correct work-flow in a comprehensive manner?  That is, the workflow I was trying to follow was in the [keller ] book but it I do not recall it breaking down the various work;flows like you just stated, at least not in a manner that I understood.

Offline bulrichl

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Re: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« Reply #3 on: 2019 April 06 09:42:41 »
Inside PixInsight is a good book to begin with. Chapters 2 to 6 cover the preprocessing in detail. Some users prefer to perform that with the Batch preprecessing script (chapter 7). However, it is desirable to understand all the processes in PixInsight that are involved in preprocessing. So the reading is worthwile.


Offline ballyhoo

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Re: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« Reply #4 on: 2019 April 06 09:57:19 »
Do you think I misunderstood what it was laying out or missed something then?  As far as I could tell it was plainly stating to start w integration of bias into a superbias; integration of darks into a master dark; calibration of flats; then CC (optional but preferred).  Then I believe integration of everything though that last step I just kind of did on my own not seeing exactly where it discussed integration of all.

Offline bulrichl

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Re: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« Reply #5 on: 2019 April 06 17:43:53 »
As I wrote before, you seem to have neglected the Debayer step before aligning the images.

Don't use Superbias. For the calibration of flat frames use either a MasterBias or a MasterFlat-Dark (made from dark frames captured with the same gain, exposure time and temperature as the flat frames).

MasterDark, MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark can be reused for some months. MasterFlat can be reused as well, provided that
- the camera was not rotated relative to the scope and
- there is no new contamination with dust particles.
Thus steps 1) to 3) will not be necessary for the next project.

Up to step 4), the results are monochrome CFA images, from step 5) the results are RGB (color) images.

1) Preparation of the MasterDark
Integrate the dark frames (captured at same gain, exposure time and temperature as the light frames)
ImageIntegration, Settings:
Section 'Image Integration'
Combination: Average
Normalization: No normalization
Weights: Don't care (all weights = 1)

Section 'Pixel rejection (1)'
Rejection Algorithm: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
Normalization: No normalization

Save the MasterDark in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.

2) Preparation of the MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark
Integrate the bias frames (captured at same gain and temperature as the light frames) or the flat-dark frames (captured with the same gain, exposure time and temperature as the flat frames)
ImageIntegration, Settings: see preparation of the MasterDark

Save the MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.

3) Preparation of the MasterFlat

3a) Calibration of the flat frames (captured at same gain and temperature as the light frames) with the MasterBias
ImageCalibration, Settings:
Check section 'Master Bias'; select the MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark; uncheck 'Calibrate'
Uncheck section 'Master Dark'
Uncheck section 'MasterFlat'

3b) Integration of the calibrated flat frames
ImageIntegration, Settings
Section 'Image Integration'
Combination: Average
Normalization: Multiplicative
Weights: Don't care (all weights = 1)

Section 'Pixel rejection (1)'
Rejection Algorithm: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
Normalization: Equalize fluxes

Save the MasterFlat in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.


4) Calibration of the light frames
ImageCalibration, Settings:
Uncheck section 'Master Bias'
Check section 'Master Dark'; select the MasterDark; uncheck both 'Calibrate' and 'Optimize'
Check section 'MasterFlat'; select the MasterFlat; uncheck 'Calibrate'

5) Debayer the calibrated light frames
Debayer, Settings:
Bayer/mosaic pattern: RGGB
Demosaicing method: VNG

6) StarAlignment
Align the calibrated and debayered light frames
Select the reference image (image with the best star attributes, i.e. low Eccentricity and low FWHM)

7) Integration of the calibrated, debayered and aligned light frames
ImageIntegration, Settings:
Section 'Image Integration'
Combination: Average
Normalization: Additive with scaling
Weights: Noise evaluation

Section 'Pixel rejection (1)'
Rejection Algorithm: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
Normalization: Scale + zero offset

Save the integration in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.


Offline ballyhoo

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Re: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« Reply #6 on: 2019 April 08 08:52:40 »
Thank you very much for your helpful response!

Offline ballyhoo

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Re: Calibration/integration gave birth to baby stars.
« Reply #7 on: 2019 April 08 19:41:51 »
As I wrote before, you seem to have neglected the Debayer step before aligning the images.

Don't use Superbias. For the calibration of flat frames use either a MasterBias or a MasterFlat-Dark (made from dark frames captured with the same gain, exposure time and temperature as the flat frames).

MasterDark, MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark can be reused for some months. MasterFlat can be reused as well, provided that
- the camera was not rotated relative to the scope and
- there is no new contamination with dust particles.
Thus steps 1) to 3) will not be necessary for the next project.

Up to step 4), the results are monochrome CFA images, from step 5) the results are RGB (color) images.

1) Preparation of the MasterDark
Integrate the dark frames (captured at same gain, exposure time and temperature as the light frames)
ImageIntegration, Settings:
Section 'Image Integration'
Combination: Average
Normalization: No normalization
Weights: Don't care (all weights = 1)

Section 'Pixel rejection (1)'
Rejection Algorithm: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
Normalization: No normalization

Save the MasterDark in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.

2) Preparation of the MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark
Integrate the bias frames (captured at same gain and temperature as the light frames) or the flat-dark frames (captured with the same gain, exposure time and temperature as the flat frames)
ImageIntegration, Settings: see preparation of the MasterDark

Save the MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.

3) Preparation of the MasterFlat

3a) Calibration of the flat frames (captured at same gain and temperature as the light frames) with the MasterBias
ImageCalibration, Settings:
Check section 'Master Bias'; select the MasterBias or MasterFlat-Dark; uncheck 'Calibrate'
Uncheck section 'Master Dark'
Uncheck section 'MasterFlat'

3b) Integration of the calibrated flat frames
ImageIntegration, Settings
Section 'Image Integration'
Combination: Average
Normalization: Multiplicative
Weights: Don't care (all weights = 1)

Section 'Pixel rejection (1)'
Rejection Algorithm: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
Normalization: Equalize fluxes

Save the MasterFlat in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.


4) Calibration of the light frames
ImageCalibration, Settings:
Uncheck section 'Master Bias'
Check section 'Master Dark'; select the MasterDark; uncheck both 'Calibrate' and 'Optimize'
Check section 'MasterFlat'; select the MasterFlat; uncheck 'Calibrate'

5) Debayer the calibrated light frames
Debayer, Settings:
Bayer/mosaic pattern: RGGB
Demosaicing method: VNG

6) StarAlignment
Align the calibrated and debayered light frames
Select the reference image (image with the best star attributes, i.e. low Eccentricity and low FWHM)

7) Integration of the calibrated, debayered and aligned light frames
ImageIntegration, Settings:
Section 'Image Integration'
Combination: Average
Normalization: Additive with scaling
Weights: Noise evaluation

Section 'Pixel rejection (1)'
Rejection Algorithm: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
Normalization: Scale + zero offset

Save the integration in xisf format, 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.


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