I've been using the new Subframe Selector, which is really great to write the Image weighting into the SSWEIGHT keyword.
When I try to integrated the files using the SSWEIGHT Keyword, PI comes up with the error message:
108 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
*** Error: E:/Moravian/M81-1/Registered/M81-1_Blue_0005_204939_90sec_-20C_a_c_cc_r.xisf: Nonexistent or invalid weight keyword 'SSWEIGHT'.
<* failed *>
I can see the SSWEIGHT keyword in the FITSHeader function and it is populated with a value. If I run the integration with a different keyword, such as NOISE00, the process runs normally.
I'm using the latest Version of PI.
So what am I doing wrong? I've attached a screenshot of the issue.
Thanks for your help.