Bug confirmed. In multiplatform dialogs in the Detail View mode, files and folders are not being sorted correctly by file name. This is a regression in version 1.8.6 of PixInsight, probably caused by a Qt bug. This affects Linux, where there are no native file dialogs.
This will be fixed in the next version, which I'll release shortly. Workarounds:
- Don't use the Detail View mode. Use the List View mode, where files are always sorted correctly.
- If you want to use the Detail View mode, simply enter the directory where you want to work. This will force the dialog to sort files correctly. The bug only happens if a directory is expanded when the file system is being inspected as a tree.
- Use the File Explorer window of PixInsight. You can drag file selections directly from File Explorer to any tool. For example, drag a selection to StarAlignment's file list and the files will be added automatically. Also works if you drag a folder.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm going to fix this problem immediately.