I'm having a similar problem with my latest photos of the Western Veil with an ASI294 OSC camera. I used the DarkFlat workflow described by Bernd. I tried this workflow both with and without Dark Frame optimization. This workflow has worked for other photos I've done and has completely removed the amp glow in my previous photos. For these Lights, I used 240s exposures and a gain of 200. I've attached a screenshot showing an original light frame, the MasterDark created from 30 shots of the identical exposures and temp for the lights, the same light frame after being calibrated by the MasterDark and MasterFlat, that calibrated light frame debayered to show the amp glow better, and finally the calibrated, CosmCorr, Debayered, Registered, integrated photo with ABE applied.
Any Advice?
Update: Well, I have good news and bad news: Good news is that when I re-ran BPP without Dark Frame optimization, the amp glow is now completely removed! Bad news is my integrated photo is WAY different than the one I processed 3 days ago. Now, the integrated photo is completely green and ABE and Color Calibration will not automatically correct for the green tint. I'm experimenting with custom settings in Color Calibration to see if I can fix that.
But, the amp glow is fixed!