Author Topic: Pixinsight Photometric Color Calibration Crashing  (Read 861 times)

Offline mralpaca

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Pixinsight Photometric Color Calibration Crashing
« on: 2019 February 22 06:46:45 »
Good morning,

I started using PI about three months ago (and am already blown away by the results), having successfully used this tool multiple times. I took some shots this weekend and am running into some issues:

- Individual subs that are calibrated (saved in their XISF file format) work fine and calibrate correctly

- The stacked version, however, does not stack correctly and does not even appear like it is being read by the software (see link below for the error)


I have saved the stack and reopened PI (in hopes that maybe the memory got jammed up some how) to no avail. What is weirder, is that (at the advice of someone in my astronomy club) when loading the final JPEG into PI to do this correction, the software works fine. Has anyone seen anything like this in the past? It is quite peculiar.

I am using a MacBook pro (2012, yeah its old but I upgraded it to an SSD 512gb and 16gb of RAM and it still flies) and capturing with ASI 294MC-Pro. My first work with this tool was with both DSLR (24MP) and a ZWO ASI 178mc (both worked fine), but I have recently upgraded to the ASI 294MC-Pro. The DSLR raw images are larger than the 294's, so again, highly confusing.

Here are links to the two XISF files:



Thank you!

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Pixinsight Photometric Color Calibration Crashing
« Reply #1 on: 2019 February 22 08:34:43 »
There is no crash here. The 'invalid coordinates' error happens because the image has the following FITS header keyword:

OBJCTRA  '60 12 05.758'     Approximate right ascension in hours

The OBJCTRA keyword should the a right ascension expressed in hours, so it must be less than 24. Once you remove the OBJCTRA and OBJCTDEC keywords with the FITSKeywords tool, PCC works perfectly for this image if you specify the correct focal length, pixel size and center coordinates. See the attached screenshot.

As for what has generated that invalid OBJCTRA keyword value, I don't know. Our tools don't do that AFAIK, but I'll investigate it anyway.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline mralpaca

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Re: Pixinsight Photometric Color Calibration Crashing
« Reply #2 on: 2019 February 22 10:09:38 »
Thank you for this. It is now working for me!