I have installed the latest version of PixInsight and like the new SFS process but it is giving me different results to the SFS script that I'm used to using......
I ran the new process and got FWHM results of 7-8. Knowing I had reasonable data that would normally give lower FWHM results, I decided to run the script instead.....FWHM came out around 4-5, which from past experience is typical for good data using my setup. Tbf all the measurements are a little different. I have the System Parameters all set the same in both.
Could someone please help me understand why this is, and if it's just a case of getting used to knowing what numbers represent good data, when using the new SFS process.
....also....the graph has just stopped working??? anyone encountered that please ?
I've attached screenshots of both the script and process....if any of my settings look wrong please point me in the right direction
Thanks in advance....