Carl - I was in the same place last year. I'm much more confident now (though still a novice)! Have a search for LightVortexAstronomy. There are some good entry level tutorials on there.
Essentially your raw data comes in a format that Pixinsight can't use very well, so it needs to be converted; this is called debayering (using a one shot colour camera has the data in a colour filter array - a Bayer array, hence de-Bayer). I say "can't use very well", because it works, it is just that the results aren't very good at all. In fact, don't be disheartened when you come out beyond integration and have a green monstrosity staring back at you, this is normal! Mr Bayer again - because the sensor has two green pixels for every blue and red combination (i.e. RGGB), the green dominates somewhat (though I have seen red dominated images too). I'm using canon lenses so skip the calibration and darks and biases as they add nothing that I've found (I'm sure I'll be put right - I was probably just doing the wrong thing). Workflow to make the image pretty runs; debayer, register (star align), integrate, save! Then take a trip through the andromeda tutorial on light vortex, that shows the post process route pretty well.