I just ran DrizzleIntegration with number of processor cores set to 6. The integration completed successfully and I did not do anything to enhance cooling. The computer was just sitting directly on my desk.
I noticed that the CPU frequency was actually higher than it was yesterday when I tried running this with a book propping up the back side. Yesterday, the CPU frequency peaked at about 3.08 GHz for each subframe, then throttled back to about 2.80 GHz. Today, it peaked around 3.55 GHz and throttled back to slightly over 3.00 GHz. In both cases, the temperature peaked at about 100 C each subframe, but today it settled lower once throttling took effect.
The integration completed in 1:08:06, for a rate of 22.45 seconds per frame. I did not formally measure the rate when I had cores set to 12, but had informally estimated it to be about 20 seconds. Therefore, there was not a tremendous speed hit from decreasing cores from 12 to 6.
I am guessing that when the computation is cpu-bound, using hyperthreading actually increases the thermal load due to the necessity to swap back and forth between the two processes per core. On the other hand, if the computation has an I/O bottleneck this might not be the case. It is possible the performance hit from reducing the cores by half will be seen in other processes that may not be so cpu-bound.