Author Topic: Benchmarking on Mac mini 2018 - slow disk speeds - or how PI uses the disks?  (Read 1601 times)

Offline mcgillca

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Hi - I've been wondering about buying a Mac mini 2018 for Pixinsight use. However, looking at the benchmarks, I'm a bit surprised by the swap speed.

Users have reported Blackmagic reports disk read and write speeds for the 1TB disk at around 2.5GB/s (its a bit slower for write speeds for smaller disks), but the PI benchmarking data reports only 764 MB/s.

I was a little surprised since my wife's iMac with a 51GB SSD PI benchmark reports speeds of around 2.4GB/s, which is in line with the Blackmagic speed test.

I then experimented with a RAM disk on my wife's computer - Blackmagic reported about 5GB/s, whilst the PI benchmarking reported only about 1.5GB/s.

There is clearly something more complicated going on here since I would have expected better results with the RAM disk.

In each case, I used 4 temp file instances, so this shouldn't have changed.

Any thoughts?

Paramount MX
Ikharos 8" Carbon Truss RC
Atik 460ex
Atik EFW2 with Baader LRGB and HA SII OIII
ONAG with Atik 314L+

Offline STAstro

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How do you have your swap space configured for PixInsight?

I have 8 Swap folders configured on my Fusion I/O card, if you add say another three swap folders into PixInsight and perform the benchmark again, you might be where you expect to be

I will be tring this out on my MacBook Pro too very soon


Offline mcgillca

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Dear Simon,

Hi - thanks for the reply. I did try this on my wife's Mac (I don't know how the reported benchmarks were configured). My default is to have four swap folder on the internal SSD - I've tried 4 to 8, and they all give much the same result.

I then went down to 1 folder, and the speed dropped from ~ 2.4 GB/S to 1.4GB/s, significantly slower but nearly twice speed of the reported Mac mini PI benchmarks.

I'm still puzzled by the RAM disk though - again, I had four swap locations enabled on the ram disk, and the speed was 1.5 GB/s, despite being a factor of two faster in Blackmagic.

Paramount MX
Ikharos 8" Carbon Truss RC
Atik 460ex
Atik EFW2 with Baader LRGB and HA SII OIII
ONAG with Atik 314L+