i remembered that i had the same version installed on a windows vm on my astro imaging nuc, and booted it up. i see what may be the problem. in the windows version i have no problems! there is a small box and X in the right hand corner when i maximize the RTP...the box is called 'normalize' and it does exactly what i am trying to do. these icons do not appear on my linux version. there is also a toolbar (like the one you see in my screenshot) on the top of the preview window in linux that has a bunch of ribbons with functions (stf , new preview, zoom, etc) this does not show up my windows preview window. i have tried to reset it using 'default control bars' but it remains. is there a chance these ribbons are somehow covering my normalize button? are these ribbons standard in the linux view? i tried pulling all the ribbons over to the side to see if it reveals the normalize button, but it didn't show up. i haven't done any purposeful customization minus process icons in the workspace so i doubt i've done something to change this, or at least i can't remember doing it. double checking shows my windows is and my linux is, so not much different i think, but linux pi has no updates for this version, just a jump to 1.8.8
hopefully this helps you reproduce or think of what the problem is.