Author Topic: yet another stuck real time preview  (Read 2154 times)

Offline rxdeath

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yet another stuck real time preview
« on: 2018 December 09 04:38:42 »
i've read the 10+ threads about this issue but i do not have any of the buttons anyone shows.  i'm on a linux machine so this might be different than most people, but i've included a screenshot and would like someone to show me how to minimize it or turn it back into a movable rectangle in the workspace.

of course i could be another bonehead just missing it, but this is obviously a problem since i see so many threads about it, hopefully the developers can look into something a little more user friendly.

what drives this is if i maximize by clicking on the plus, the windows expands so there is no way to close/change it.  there is no sidebar to scroll up.  no x to click, nothing i try or do returns it to the old state, including closing the histogram transformation window.

Offline rxdeath

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #1 on: 2019 November 28 21:46:12 »
i'm trying to bump this as i'm starting to image again and still have this problem.  i am greatful for pixinsight but this seems like a simple thing that should have been addressed because there's an inordinate amount of posts regarding this problem.  anytime i maximize an image preview window by double-clicking or via the maximize button, its stuck there for good even if i close the image i'm working on or the histogram transformation window. please someone show me what i'm missing or hopefully a developer can tell me what the problem is.

i'm on a linux machine

Offline pfile

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #2 on: 2019 November 28 23:40:20 »
what if you toggled "show control bars" under the view menu? maybe the controls for the RTP window would then be unobscured?


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #3 on: 2019 November 29 02:50:44 »
Besides the obvious solution that Rob has pointed out, why are you using a version released in August 2017?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline rxdeath

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #4 on: 2019 November 29 10:30:33 »
that checkbox under view is checked for 'show control bars'.   i have this problem with no other window (yet) except for real time preview.

i haven't used it much in the last year and a half and haven't brought myself to do an upgrade.while my interest in astronomy usually doesn't lull so much, sometimes my interest in processing images does.  while it may be obvious to you, it isn't to me.  you know what to expect but a novice user doesn't know what should or shouldn't be there.  however i have looked in view in the past just because it made sense and that particular option has been checked.

if this issue is gone in the current version i'll just upgrade, i didn't know the upgrade cycle is so fast or important for PI.   the version i had installed  before this i liked the menu layouts better, so i'm always apprehensive to upgrade until i have no other option.

i appreciate your time to respond, and i know pixinsight is very powerful, however the learning curve is like the face of the matterhorn.  i have warrens book and am going through it, but this particular issues seems to have gotten other much more experienced users as well

Offline pfile

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #5 on: 2019 November 29 12:16:27 »
right - by "toggling it" i meant to make it unchecked if it was checked. i'm not sure it will help; i noticed on my PI that the window just shrank and it didn't necessarily unobscure anything at the top of the window.

but i thought it was worth a try


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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #6 on: 2019 November 29 23:31:52 »
thanks for trying to help but no dice, checking, unchecking, love

seems silly, i feel like there has to be something i'm missing, i wouldn't have even posted if i didn't see so many other threads with this issue

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #7 on: 2019 November 30 02:30:46 »
As you probably know, Linux and FreeBSD are the reference implementations of PixInsight. We are using Linux exclusively all the time on most of our development workstations, and we cannot reproduce this problem, even with the old 1.8.5 version. Which Linux distribution and desktop manager are you using?

Besides that, can you put some examples of those threads where this problem has been reported?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline rxdeath

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #8 on: 2019 December 01 11:09:53 »

yes, one of the reasons i chose to use it, i've been a linux user for many years, and am familiar with the tinkering that sometimes has to be done to get things smooth on linux.  i also do some of my own coding, and my main source of income is systems/network administration, using primarily linux.  netbsd is my firewall of choice.   my workstation has a few distros on it, gentoo, centos, and ubuntu.  this is on ubuntu using gnome since its the easiest linux nowadays. 

this is just googling 'real time preview stuck pixinsight',  and i think it can demonstrate that the real time preview window might not be the most user friendly aspect of PI.  i reread my post and sometimes i'm a little short, but i hope i didn't piss you off or make you think i was attacking pixinsight or the developer team.  i would lie if i said this problem isn't annoying, but you and the PI team are all amazing and i'm very greatful for PI.  this particular problem has been plaguing me for a while, and i hate having to restart the program to solve it.  i have no problem admitting i'm a processing novice, and this could very likely be something incredibly stupid i'm doing.  i welcome someone to point it out and rub it in my face.  i've looked for the buttons other people show, i've tried to close it using the circle on tranformation window, i've closed the entire transformation window, minimixed and maximized the whole PI window, tiled the windows, cascade, and the other options to change position or minimize it.   i can shrink the window side to side, but can't get 'underneath' it to shrink it top to bottom.  i can send another screen shot, but the one i posted a year ago is accurate above.  can you see from mine that buttons are missing or something?  can you show me what the window looks like when you do it on this version so we can compare whats missing?

Offline rxdeath

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #9 on: 2019 December 01 11:25:14 »
i remembered that i had the same version installed on a windows vm on my astro imaging nuc, and booted it up.   i see what may be the problem.  in the windows version i have no problems!  there is a small box and X in the right hand corner when i maximize the RTP...the box is called 'normalize'  and it does exactly what i am  trying to do.   these icons do not appear on my linux version.  there is also a toolbar (like the one you see in my screenshot) on the top of the preview window in linux that has a bunch of ribbons with functions (stf , new preview, zoom, etc)  this does not show up my windows preview window.  i have tried to reset it using 'default control bars' but it remains.  is there a chance these ribbons are somehow covering my normalize button?  are these ribbons standard in the linux view?  i tried pulling all the ribbons over to the side to see if it reveals the normalize button, but it didn't show up.   i haven't done any purposeful customization minus process icons in the workspace so i doubt i've done something to change this, or at least i can't remember doing it.   double checking shows my windows is  and my linux is, so not much different i think, but linux pi has no updates for this version, just a jump to 1.8.8

hopefully this helps you reproduce or think of what the problem is.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #10 on: 2019 December 01 12:20:24 »
None of these problems can be reproduced on any supported platform. This does not happen on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 19.10, Fedora 30, Mint 19.1 and FreeBSD 12 with KDE Plasma, GNOME 3 (both vanilla GNOME and Ubuntu customization) and Cinnamon. The problems you are experiencing must be caused by specific customizations or variations of the desktop manager you are using, but we cannot reproduce them on any Linux/UNIX machine.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline rxdeath

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #11 on: 2019 December 01 16:53:19 »
ok, but can you answer my question?  am i supposed to see the same thing on ubuntu that i do on windows?  the square and x?  it should look exactly the same between the two?

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: yet another stuck real time preview
« Reply #12 on: 2019 December 02 05:29:19 »
Yes, of course. Those window icons are always present on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. On macOS maximized windows behave differently when native menu bars are used (they are always used by default).
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team